Monday, January 29, 2007

The Cowherds Inn

I went here on Friday night and I'm sad to say they were not barefoot friendly at all. While being fairly polite about asking me to put my shoes on, they still came out with the typical crap excuse of "there's glass on the floor".

No there isn't! Sure people are likely to break drop glasses every so often in a drunken haze but I can't believe that this would not be cleaned up.

I tried explaining that I'm quite aware of the risk seeing as how I walk outside without shoes on (and have found myself walking over glass) but they wouldn't let me so I had to put my SPD shoes back on :(

A first for my barefoot experience.


Barefoot Fun in Church

Tonight in church painting worship was made available for all. Despite my typical uncomfortable feeling about doing something out of the ordinary I went up, painted my feet and made two lovely footprints on the canvas.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ash - Walking Barefoot

I've just come across a song by Irish rock band Ash which talks of walking barefoot all summer - just like me :)


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sneeked in a New Year Footing

Here's an idea for next year - a barefoot Hogmanay.

I have to say that despite no longer being a full barefooter I did happen to sneak one in this evening on my way home from my New Year trip to Wales. I'd been for a walk through some serious bogs and had pretty wet feet (my Burghaus shoes are nearly at their end). So as I drove home to Cheltenham I gradually removed my shoes and socks at opportune moments enabling my feet to gradually dry out. I also prefer barefoot driving as you can fully enjoy the warm air on the feet setting.

One the M5 just outside Tewkesbury the call of nature became more of a shout and so I pulled in to the services. 'course without my shoes and socks on what was I to do? Put my wet shoes back on? No! So I nipped in through the cold carpark shoeless. It felt great. Cold, but somewhat liberating.

Happy New Year people!

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